Friday, February 26, 2010

Why Does My Left Ear Burn

The adventure of one who takes the subway every day under the stars

This morning I was coming to the stairs of the subway and I heard it again. When you do this ride every single day, you learn to recognize the metro (rail and direction, but sometimes who the driver) only by the noise. I feel that is what I had to take because it slows down, so much is shared. I climb the stairs to the dock waiting for me when I get the infamous warning sign: train the next 5 minutes! Bastard! 5 minutes.
Oh well, I do have a reason and I set to the point where it will stop the rear of the train. There's people already and I realize that during the minute of waiting is populated by the platform even more, and will be the usual wagon cattle.
The place where I always stop him on the basis of too many variables: how many girls there are decent in the area. I find the right place, as does my dog's needs during the evening sniffing everywhere, and I start to wait while I look around. To my right, the direction from which the train arrives, there is a tall blonde woman. I think that looks like a beautiful chick, but then turns around and takes me a shot. As a disgusting face and starts staring at me. I explain now why: "surely, no ability of my hair!" I think "I know, me too I would watch them! It seems that I have algae growing on the head." I'm a vague and I forget about her, which, however, continues to look at me. At some
Then comes a girl. It must have been high between the meter and the meter and fifty-five and sixty. He had a pair of red sunglasses when he walked in danger of kicking the frame. But I say, but you You're drinking this morning? Trial was put those glasses that if she licks her lips, must clean the entire lens. But how come unto thee to buy? They are huge and decidedly out of proportion to her slender body. It seems to me crazy, but I enjoy it. Meanwhile
came one that has a hat (and face) from American jazz musician, but white. The fact is that the rest of the clothing has nothing to do absolutely nothing. But, of course, glad you all happy. He's standing there in front of me fixing the property point where the train will arrive. I know it's a real person because he turned his head slightly and in my opinion, has also made a fart because people moved around he has become.
comes the cattle car and people go crazy. As the train comes, you see the faces concentrated, ready to read the best point where to stand and where you can enter. Type player who has to pull the decisive penalty. While the meters in front of us slows down, people start looking at each other with a menacing expression and with eyes throwing challenges to the death. They open the doors and pour it all in goats. I try to move, but now it's all packed and I decide to wait (as usual, to pass immediately after). The cattle truck
swollen again, I turn and I see the same people as before. They're all there and I ask "then who the fuck was up on the train?". Same pax and the same number. It seems impossible, but I no longer see the girl fly. I think maybe it is uphill, but then I realize its lens sitting on his legs crossed. Has run session. You think with those glasses she is doing a grind. Good for her resting: it will be exhausted.
comes another cattle car and again the same faces as before. I feel more an expression to Laurel when he takes off his hat and scratches his head. The doors open and people pour in with a fury that if someone had to go down, surely was sucked. I have nothing to do, according to them, but now the dock is empty: I was just me!! And so 'stupid? I approached the door, trying to pry his arms and push the people with the whole body and can earn a spot of luck, lace lace to the metro. As the doors close I understand that I am having sexual intercourse with multiple hundreds of strangers and unknown. Okay, I resign myself, not so much now it hurts.
As the train departs, a group of kids could not go up and one of these two slaps on the door, stupid and reckless act that causes heart attacks and three four urletti. The people are still asleep and gets scared easily. The type that is next to me began to mutter things like "these kids today are all stupid, all spoiled." I have to hold back the laughter for the stroke suffered by my side those traveling companions and I do not know why I did not blurt out to hear this guy not much older than me who talked like those old men of my time "aaaaaaaaahhhhhh, you guys Today .......". The type
expressed his opinion: "I spoke as a pizza in his face. These young people today have cell phones, have women, computers, money .....". And I thought, "But blessed them, not like me until I was 22 years playing football in the woods like a moron."
I was going to come down and so I said goodbye and he countered. The funny thing is that we got together and we walked close to a piece, but without speaking: now we were back two total strangers.

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