Thursday, February 18, 2010

What Viruses Are Going Around

Snout is nice to his mom! In Italy all

You'll find the glass front of the nest of a hospital? There are all these little people wrinkled and dependents who move jerkily, twitter, make strange ways. And the great thing is that the strangest animals are behind glass: THE RELATIVES!!
certainly one that comes close to you says "you know, that's my nephew. The nurse told us that it is great! He carried around throughout the department to show it to everyone." While listening, watching the child and think, "but you're stupid? See what I see." Can not get those words from the head, every time you look frugoletto that lying in bed. Why are you convinced that 90% quell'infermiera the bastard has taken him all over the hospital, like the carp fishing contest to take it around to everyone he met: "Look at that monster, you've never seen one so ugly? "·
There are also other cases in the 10% chance remaining. Meanwhile, the nurse, moved to pity, told him that it's nice not to be rude and there is heavy going. Or he could just want to tease. So, anyway, remain fixed in front of the glass and how I see a nurse looks at her and think 'Bastards! Damn, it's just a baby! ".
The truth is that, According to rumors, the vast majority of children was brought into a trophy by a nurse crazy shouting "how beautiful, how beautiful." Here falls the ass! Who is shooting the shit? Grandparents? Parents? Who is it? I want a culprit! And yes, because in almost all cases, that child was raised from the ears like the UEFA Cup could see a model of beauty "normal" to "little if quard nun." And so, in my opinion, the guilty should be identified and this story absolutely must be stopped immediately! I happened
a grandfather (I think it was my grandfather, I hope it was not the father) proud of everything I just reported the mad rush Nurse unfortunate, while I tried not to fix the poor little girl who looked like a kid all spellacchiata. Sure, Porelli, was tender, it was sweet. But it is not that good, at least according to the criteria of beauty that I have.
And then, when there is a newborn baby comes out half of the falsity of the people. Two couples meet, has a wheelchair. Almost certainly, the other woman, watching the baby howls "quant'èèèèèèèèèèè bellaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" but just say goodbye and turn their backs in a hoarse voice exclaimed "kill what is ugly."
From all this analysis I realized a number of very large truth

1) grandparents, when they speak of their grandchildren, they shoot shit galore, but do not do it on purpose: they have only a distorted view;
2) nurses are people who do not deserve that trust and are ready to take the piss;
3) your child should not be raised, to be loved. You have to like you, but when you say "how beautiful", please do not believe it!

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