Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Lupus Anticoagulant Normal Range

We will never happen

One day, walking down the street with my girlfriend the time he met with a couple. They were serious and sad. He looked at me intently and I looked at him. His eyes met mine proved that they were happy and excited. As soon as we had passed them, my girlfriend told me "you saw how sad were those two?" and I answered with confident voice and persuasive "quiet never happen to us."
A period, I had a colleague who told me that his wife gave him to make love twice a year. He called them the " ticket" and had, in fact, two. One fine day he appeared at the office, it was January or February, and said "Pa, last night I used the ticket, even if it is just beginning of the year, but I have resisted. "The next day, still glad I said" Paul, I have not resisted, I have played well the second ticket, so do not think about it until next year. "We did laugh, but I I thought, "I never happen: I will choose a woman who will love me and will always want me."
A phrase that I have ever endured, and which eliminated the marriage ceremony is the famous "until death do you part. "They've taken away, but the meaning is left: only death or you can pull out without disastrous consequences . Meanwhile, the priest said it yourself, he smart, but it did not fit and it was obvious the "not VI asunder." I know how long the priests, nor seen so many and "The Thorn Birds" or "Milingo" nor are they born less and less, fortunately. But why throw
eternity? Why life? You can not do a five-year contract? You can not do that at the end of the contract, the two men look at and decide what to do? We stay together, but this time risposiamoci ok, dear, if you do not mind, let's do the contract by three, you never know. Or, you decide to split up and one back into play, without having to spend a fortune on lawyers, the contract simply expired. Even better, you may decide to have an exchange of loans: I will I give my wife, you give me your year and make a loan without right of redemption, for example, such transfers. Would not it easy? Or, my wife might say "there is a banker who interests me and makes more money than you, will send you to borrow a year from the fourth floor of the girl you like so much." What's wrong with that? I'm not talking about swinging, I'm just talking about BARTER!
few days ago, walking with my wife and crossing a couple. They were very young. He looked at me, she was happy, in love and I thought "poor" and the look I was trying to say "let it go, fuck! But who makes you do Do not even think about to marry her! Do it for me. "He did not understand what my eyes told him, but I understood very well that he was telling me, always alone with his eyes," never happen to me. "
After analyzing them, I said quietly, "I happen, will happen to you! We'll all! I know the fault. "" What about honey? "I asked my wife and I paced" Nothing Nieto. I thought out loud when I was young. "

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