Tuesday, March 2, 2010

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Close Encounter of the 3rd kind with the other side .....

I'm on the subway and I'm going on my own and, as every time that I have a book, I look around a bit. I love watching people, trying to see what they read, what shoes they have. I mean, how can I entertain in one of the most useless of the day.
Suddenly I see someone on the other side of the truck, staring at me insistently. The first thought is "Fuck you?". I turn, I pretend to feel nothing but his gaze on me and it gives me very, very annoying. What I find even a little educated, and so the disk with the gaze incacchiato and he continues to stare at me. The make a gesture with his head as if to say "you?". He stares at me.
He was not just a skinny boy, well dressed, at least in their thirties. I turn, I look around, look around, I make vague. Still looking at me, I'm a bastard. I watch it again even more pissed off, I try to strike him. Train all the energy of my body over his eyes, convinced potergli launch lightning from his eyes, but nothing. I committed there, trying to incinerate, use all my energies superhero but nothing. She stares at me.
In my head begins to turn the question "but what does he want here? Why am I fixing? Maybe I know him?". Doubt, when someone looks at me is that I can know, because if I meet her on the street, I could not even recognize my mother. Memory zero. Indeed, if I met you somewhere and I have not welcomed, do not think I'm a bastard. Although I looked at you, probably I have not even seen.
And so, I try to think if this matter seems to me known, if I had met him somewhere, but I do not remember it, do not remember. Damn, still staring at me, I can not do, is giving me a nuisance crazy and I do not know where to look. I support his gaze, still grimacing and threatening movements with his eyebrows? Start staring at your shoes? I look out the window, despite the fact that we're underground? I pretend that I fell asleep on the pole? I
also some anxiety is rising, this will be a murderess? That goes looking for?
Maybe it's better that I try to use my other power, as the lightning from his eyes does not work. So, I try to make myself invisible, but again the results are not very happy.
While I am committed more and more to disappear, my concentration is interrupted: it was moved and is moving. With a mixture of pace and a sparrow from the jaguar moves towards 9 kilos me. Start thinking about how to reject it if he tries to hit me. If he pulls out a knife to steal the chain, I might try to kick him on the balls. I have to be ready, because it is close. I am also planning to strike first, without giving him even a chance to speak and I'm almost convinced me to do when he stops in front of me. "Hello. Where are you going to?". Shit, is trying to tow, can not believe it. Inside my head explode a thousand thoughts. I begin to wonder how he did not understand the looks angry, threatening movements of the eyebrows and partners of the head. You are completely stupid, you can not read body language. In a second, then flashed through my mind in another strange truth: "I looked like the fag." Good grief, but of what I Recchione? They are graceful as an elephant, I look at all women's asses that I pass within five miles. How do you regard me as the other side? I take a cold sweat, I'm not going to look like Mary forever! My manhood is not to be doubted, never!! EVER! Then, I'll explain it with "oh well, at the end hath been thrown out and which has the proven ... a bit blind." The
keep repeating "I'm going by my girlfriend," which I hope the sentence received as "I'm straight, I have nothing against you, but always stay straight." A little sorry not to be homosexual because in the end I was too nice, But just was not my type. Here comes my stop, I greet him, the smile and get down ...... then began to run and run!
I have nothing against homosexuals, even if I turn on TV when two men kiss. But I think that everyone is free to do what he wants with his life, with his body, with his own c. ......... In short, I give a damn to me? But what I do not understand is why I need your fix?

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