Sunday, November 8, 2009

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Mamiano will soon have a playground

Sunday, October 18 was an important day for Mamiano. From a
part of the recovery of the catechism after the summer break, the other the submission of the draft of the new playground. The day's program
the meeting at 10.45 with the presentation to the class of catechists for 2009/2010. At 11.30 the Mass celebrated under the porch of the rectory, at 12.30 lunch buffet in the sports field behind the church. In the afternoon, were held games and entertainment for children from 14 to 17. After Mass, the architect
Sauro Rossi presented to children, families and all those present the project "The House of the children and families" including the church, rectory, and all the surrounding green area, owned by the Parish , which will be equipped playground in early 2011.
The new park will be built next to the church, the area now occupied by the marquee in which to date have been organized several dinners and initiatives of the "Mamiano Together". "In mid-September - Don announces Avanzini - I gave notice to the" Mamiano Together "of floor space on a loan of embankments on the corner of Via Colli, because I believe that young people have a fundamental place in the parish." The result of the work to be concluded in 2011, occurred when they were defined as large renovation of the parish church of San Biagio, uninhabitable by the earthquake of December 23 last year, and of their parsonage, also to be completed between 2010 and 2011. "It should be noted - still don Avanzini - that the park project has been thought by the children of the parish, who, during the summer, participated in the planning area split into working groups organized by age groups. Everyone was able to contribute with their imagination and their desires to design the park to be built alongside the Church. " "Many believers and many families in recent months - he concludes Don Andrea - have expressed a desire to return to their Church reopened after restoration and surrounded by spaces dignified, decent, friendly and always accessible to everyone, including children, young people and families. To all of them I do know that the preliminary draft for the restoration of damaged structures had no objection in August, so it is almost certain that it will be finally approved in November and since that day there will be 12 months to finish the work. " "At Christmas 2010 - said the priest - probably will come back to celebrate Mass in our church."

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

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soccer tournament: the triumphs Mamiano

Thursday, September 10, at 20.00 in the sports field Mamiano parish took place on the third football tournament in memory of Don Renato Doctors among young people of the parishes of Mamiano, Bannon and Castione de 'Baratti. This year the tournament has had an exceptional referee: none other than Mayor Alberto Traversetolo Pazzon. The mayor has refereed professionally the first game of the tournament that has seen as challenging and Mamiano Bannone and ended with the result of 4-1.In the second game instead of the teams are challenged and Bannone Castione with the final result of 1-4. The final well seen as the protagonists and Mamiano Castione: The match ended 5-1 with the result of the victory by decreeing that the formation of Mamiano with excellent performance has won the trophy still missing. The public, initially low, is gradually increased during the evening and made their presence felt by supporting now one or the other team. In the later game, the third time in a perfect rugby, the teams met at a local pizzeria to eat together and smiling in the prize, as this is a well-deserved pizza offered by the sponsor.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

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Trip to Lavaredo: high-altitude adventure trip to Gardaland

On days 3 to 6 September a party of 16 people including 8 children belonging to the parishes of Mamiano and Bannone, spent a week-wend among the most beautiful peaks in the world, UNESCO has recently been included in world heritage site.
Under the coordination of Don Andrea Avanzini who had studied the route and overnight in the various shelters, the group path different stages of medium difficulty, surrounded by breathtaking views.

Every day the day began with the alarm given by Don Andrea followed by the celebration of Holy Mass. Then, after being informed about the program of the day, the group left for the daily stage.

Even cold and bad weather stopped the group that was marching to reach the refuge at an altitude of 2345 m. .. Locatelli On the morning of Saturday, September 5, surprisingly, the awakening has been enlivened by a sprinkling of snow fell during the night and helped further lower the temperature but the gift of two wonderful days of clear skies.

During the trips, were also visited the trenches and tunnels inside the mountain plain of Mount Paterno dug and used by soldiers during the 1st World War. It was a very touching moment that brought the young members to turn his thoughts to young people who have lived for months in extreme conditions to defend their homeland and for which many of them have even given their lives.

certainly was a different experience for everyone, sometimes intense, but also contributed to strengthening the bonds of friendship and community of the party, thanks to card tournaments organized by young people and involving most of the group .

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Saturday, August 29 35 people of the parish, including more than half was made up of young people aged 16 and over, spent a day at the amusement park Gardaland, Lake Garda. Uan
day dedicated to friendship, wanting to be with their friends challenging each other and challenging their own fear climbing the most electrifying rides in the park but still full of fun.

Only the closure of the park has completed the experience of the intrepid who met on the bus for the return still full of enthusiasm.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

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Gita parish in Trento

Sunday, June 21 a group of parishioners Mamiano Castione Baratti and went on a trip to Castel Toblino and Trento.
First stop Lake Toblino, characterized by Toblino presence of the Castle and the landscape full of vegetation, is considered among the most beautiful mirrors' water in Trentino. The barrier of the mountains and the influence of the mild climate of Lake Garda, promote the growth of olive trees and many varieties of vegetation. The lake surface offers rest to some migratory birds and home to a rich fish fauna. Connected to Lake St. Massenza remains a romantic and evocative. The group could also take a walk around the lake also through walkways suspended over the water and then reached the nearby Lake St. Massenza connected by a channel over which the road passes and receives the waters of the river Sarca and Molveno to operate the hydroelectric plant of the same name.
Lake St. Massenza was originated by glacial erosion and has undergone numerous transformations physical, environmental and biological. The connection of these two lakes offer visitors a romantic view.
After a hearty lunch stop at a local house overlooking the Paganella
the party then reached the city of Trento, where he could see, with the invaluable help of local guide, the various monuments and in particular the cathedral and Castle Buonconsiglio.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

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"Mamiano: Aid arrives by Pope Benedict "

From the Journal of April 19, 2009 Pope Benedict XXVI

answered the call Mamiano of the faithful, and from the day of the earthquake that struck the Parmense, 23 December, can not go to their church. The church of the village is in fact unusable due to the collapse of a nave and some structural failure of the roof. Don Andrea Avanzini
in recent months had brought to the attention of the City of Traversetolo and the Curia, including through some articles published on the Gazzetta di Parma, the plight of the community Mamiano that, without the church, threatened to disintegrate,
Tuesday The Pope has sent words of encouragement to the faithful, who complain about the inconvenience of having to celebrate Mass in the rectory or close to having to move in the neighboring churches. Together with
letter, in addition to the apostolic blessing, the Pope sent the church a check for € 1500, as "a sign of encouragement and kindness", as stated in the letter of the Vatican.
A contribution to cover the huge costs that the community will face in order to restructure the church (about 500,000 euro).
"It 'a symbolic gesture of solidarity - Don Andrea says - but significant if added to the figures offered by the faithful at the recent Easter blessings. These figures, combined with state funds to be allocated to short bode well for the recovery of the church. "

Bianca Maria Sarti

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Even on Easter Sunday, as had happened on Palm Sunday, the celebration of Holy Mass took place outdoors on the playground behind the church.
The participation of the faithful, even if lower than the previous Sunday because of the uncertain weather and Easter holiday, was still a good sign that the very Mamianesi feel the need to meet many of the celebration of Sunday.

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catechumens receive the sacraments

Holy Saturday, during the celebration of the Easter Vigil, Giannina and Sebastian, two young catechumens, have become part of our Christian community, receiving the sacraments first given to them by Don Andrea in the church of Bannon.

The two young men, visibly excited, they have first received baptism, and immediately after, put on "white dress, Communion and Confirmation. A

as a backdrop for the celebration in a church full of faithful who, because of the special event, attended the function in meditation and prayer certainly unusual.

Monday, April 13, 2009

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Newspaper of Palm Sunday to Easter

Fra Angelico Noli Me Tangere
(1438-1446 approx)
Convento di San Marco, Florence. The work
The fresco by Fra Angelico in Convento di San Marco, Florence (cell 1) represents the Magdalene kneeling, behind the open grave, and around the garden with trees and flowers painted with great ingenuity and grace. The Risen Lord appears in a white figure, spiritual in his walk, walk touching the ground. Risen Jesus does not reject Magdalene gives her the slight gesture of the hand. "We see the two hands of Mary Magdalene and Jesus' hand that restrains: that is the image that we always took possession of the virginal, which tends to all. But until this is all to strive for a span from the snout of the other, you have really, much more that even if we pounced on the nose "(L. Giussani, Time and the temple).

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silent prayer
Help me, O risen Lord,
smiling at Easter we celebrate, not to think
what I have left,
to be happy with what I found.
Help me, O risen Lord,
not to turn back because yesterday is gone
except as a bit of yeast for bread today.
Help me to smile at life progressed,
always so full of surprises and novelties.
Help me to smile at the poem that sings in the heart To push
looking for open spaces.
Help me, O risen Lord, to smile at the attempts that I make to become and remain
new creature.
Help me, O Lord, I feel alive inside of me,
because now I know that if I come and I'm with you, every day is Easter,
every day is "the first morning of the world."
o = o = o = or



For the zuccotto:
• 1 sponge cake by 24 cm in diameter
· 400 g of fresh cream
· 40 g of dark chocolate
· 40 g mixed candied fruit diced
· water of orange blossom
· Grand Marnier
For the icing and complete:
· 300 g of dark chocolate
almond paste (marzipan): 200 g yellow, 200 g green
· Cut around the pan of Spain in rectangular slices about 1 cm thick, then divide each slice in half, or into two triangles
· Splashes of Grand Marnier, an egg-shaped mold, and then wrap it with slices of sponge cake, arrangement, one after the other, converging with the tips facing the center of the mold. Sprinkle with one wet and then prepared with water and Grand Marnier in equal parts
• To the filling, whip the cream, aromatizzatela with a tablespoon of orange flower water and then mix with the diced candied fruit and chopped dark chocolate hand
° to the stuffing in the prepared loaf pan, cover with more slices of sponge cake, even strokes of these wet, then put in the fridge for at least 4 hours and, meanwhile, tempered chocolate, warm it in a water bath at 45 ° then, mixing, cool them to 27 °, and finally return it to 30 °
• With a blade of tempered chocolate, brought out from a croissant to decorate, garnish with a mesh design just the sweet pudding
Sprinkle a few drops of cold water in the chocolate left, then knead it with a whisk to make it thick and creamy; Gather in a pocket with a broken vent and decorated the center of the egg with a tape often, which will close with a bow of green marzipan.

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On July 13, 1917 three young boys, sons of modest pastors, supported he had spotted and speak with the Holy Virgin Mary, unconsciously giving rise to one of the most discussed and inexplicable mysteries of the Catholic religion.
For a certain period of time, the mysteries were known only to the three shepherd children, but in 1919 due to disturbing events, such as the death of Francisco and his sister Jacinta, who died of the English, the only one with a shadowy secret remained little Lucia.
The first revelation emerged from a summary of the appearances, written by Sister Lucia at the invitation of Monsignor Jose Alves de silva Correra.
Lucia explained that the only secret, revealed to her on July 13 to 24 years earlier, was actually divided into three parts, of which, however, the third has not yet been able to uncover. Consequently
Lucia gave the bishop only the first two parts of the secret, which were published by Pope Pius XII in 1942, during the consecration of the world to the Sacred Heart of Mary Immaculate.
The third part of the secret was written Sister Lucia from January 3, 1944 and entrusted to the Bishop of Leiria, who gave it to Pope Pius XII.
The third secret, on indication of Sister Lucia, was to be revealed after 1960, but John XXIII and his successors, believed should not reveal it publicly because it would create too much fuss.
was John Paul II on May 13
2000 for the beatification of Jacinta and Francisco, say they intend to disclose the secret. In the first vision
experts argue allusion to Hell, a grim and frightening place, inhabited by demons deformed sadistically torture the souls of the damned.
In contrast to the bright and sweet land of Paradise 's "infernus" is a formless sea of \u200b\u200bfire element harmful to every living being.
About the second part of the secret Lucia tells of a conversation between the three children and Madonna, who tells them of a conflict even more ruinous and degrading treatment of what at that time was looming around the world, and to prevent it, in person she will claim the consecration of Russia to Her Immaculate Heart.
He also says that God will send a "great sign," a night illuminated by an unusual unknown light that will begin the epic conflict.
This "great sign" can be traced to an inexplicable glow night described the night of 25 and 26 January 1938 from witnesses of the time.
The third secret, revealed only in 2000, has been interpreted as referring mainly to the persecution of Christians to attempt the killing of a "bishop dressed in white" who the visionaries of Fatima had the impression that it was the Holy Father. How
actually happened to Pope John Paul II, who, during a parade in 1981, was saved by the hijacking of the bullet fired by a fanatic turkish and directed to his heart by Madonna.
The story we all know or at least we have heard or just mention ends with this miracle, but are we really sure?
It is said of scholars based on the diary kept secret by Sister Lucia in the last years of life believe they have uncovered a trail of what actually should be the real third secret.
in its entirety in fact, the messages contain words on the terrible crisis of faith, the betrayal of the hierarchy, catastrophic events facing the Church, and with it, all of humanity.
But these are only theories that some Catholic scholars have personally developed.
Some people like them think that way, but another large part is believed that the latest revelation, the mystery of Fatima has been exhausted. Only
Sister Lucia and her two companions were aware of truth and most likely it was lost with the disappearance.

(Nicholas Irons)
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On Easter night ablaze with lights and churches resound with singing. The light of the paschal candle recalls that Jesus is risen and that he is the true light of our lives. The song of the (Hebrew word meaning "praise God") expresses the fullness of Easter joy, the assembly of Christians sing to God and thanks him because Jesus died and risen for us. The resurrection of Christ is a mystery of faith: only God is more powerful than death, and He alone is master of life. The resurrection of Jesus is an event really happened and we passed by the witnesses of the Risen Lord: the Holy Women (Salome, Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of James), the eleven apostles (including Thomas), the disciples of Emmaus, and, as he says St. Paul, at least 500 men (1 Cor 15:5).
In the morning, the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and the holy women who were going to complete the embalming of the body of Jesus (hastily buried on the evening of Friday due to the onset of the Sabbath, Passover) were the first messengers the resurrection of Christ. "Why do you seek among the dead who is alive? He is not here but has risen "(Lk 24, 5.6). The discovery by the disciples (first Peter and John), is the empty tomb. The absence of the body of Christ was the first step towards the recognition event of the resurrection. The disciple "whom Jesus loved" (Jn 20:2) states that he entered the empty tomb and seeing "the linen cloths lying there" (Jn 20:6), "saw and believed." This presupposes that he has established in the state it was in the empty tomb, that the absence of Jesus' body could not be human work and that Jesus was not simply returned to earthly life as had happened to Lazarus.
The faith of the first community of believers is based on the testimonies of all that has happened in those days of Easter. This experience of the risen Lord builds our faith, our hope is in fact a person: Jesus, the Crucified, the Risen One. He loves us and his crucifixion is the measure of his love for us. We remember what he said through his prophet, "the palm of my hands I have written your name ... You are mine." For each of us, human history and all creation life is transformed, in Christ, who after his resurrection will always be with us, there is the expectation of that new world which will be won and eternal pain, violence, death and creation, will shine in its extraordinary beauty. We Christians today want to live according to these promises and show the design of a renewed humanity, in which everything appears to be transformed. In this light, we want to live with him and the family as a sign of God's love, work and party like moments of a life fulfilled, the solidarity that bends over the poor and sull'ammalato as an expression of brotherhood, the relationship inter-generational dialogue on how to leave the deep energies that each contains within itself, directing them to the truth and goodness.

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In this issue, I would like to talk about a saint that we have all seen many times. Who does not recall the austere image of an "old", that a sign of the cross, save a little boy who had a fishbone stuck in my throat? Yes, I know, is from the December 23 that we do not see, but we would not have forgotten.
San Biagio is always in its place, erect, alert, with the usual thoughtful look of one who knows that he can heal.
addition to the image, however, let me give you some more detailed news about who was and his life.
Blaise, bishop of Sabastiano in Armenia (atlas tells me that the area between Turkey and Russia), died a martyr in the early '300.
Without doubt, he had a gift from God the charism of healing: working miracles is invoked in many cases of disease, but especially for those on the throat.
I like to remember a very special miracle: A widow was robbed by a wolf, one of his pig. The Holy interceding for her and the little animal returned safely from his mistress. The woman recovered his beast as a sign of gratitude, brought food and candles to the saint, moved that said, "offer a candle in the church every year to be raised in my name and you very well and you'll miss nothing. "
As would be nice, that we do so with great faith the same small donation to our church. I tell you that the Holy
would soon to hear us, because we are Mamiano and knows himself to be our protector.
What love, what health, what could give us peace, but first we need the church, therefore, we young people from this issue until we have restored the building, we will dedicate a special space just for this request.
The saint is remembered in Germany as a protector of the animals' water San Biagio "was given to poultry, because it was not slaughtered by foxes, that is engaged in the Holy of France because, on the day of his memory on February 3, the girls asked for his intercession to find a husband.
We're just so lucky to have a patron, intercede for our faith, heals us, gives us food, and leads us to the wedding, think about it are the strong points for happiness.
o = o = o = or


Every day the same journey, return, Mamiano Traversetolo Traversetolo Mamiano.
Usual route, usually landscape, same faces.
Nothing special, but something essential.
still sleep when the morning is the host, long silences.
accompany the way, you look out the window the day begins. It is thought a bit 'confused the first lesson, he reviewed in mind matters, program a little' day.
You see the street almost always the same people, who stop for a bus, who in front of a bar, who until the opening of a shop or factory. The countries are beginning to move. Within minutes we arrive at
Traversetolo, we only exchanged a few jokes with our neighbor, and the appointment ' for the return journey.
that moment comes after a few hours, environment far, far climate inside the van was already worn by many kilometers.
Laughter, joking, talking. The silence of the morning and 'a memory.
The ride back you would never end, and 'happy company.
countries finding themselves in a bit 'look like us, and the day' in
full activity 'and also traffic
' greatly increased, we are in broad daylight.
start slowly and gradually to lose passengers, we arrived in
destination, the noise and the noise is becoming less intense. We get off me now it's almost a little sorry if they went a part of my day, now that I have left the studio on your own.
shame, but I will not regret much, and tomorrow we start again, if ever equal, will always be fun.

(Martina Mazza)


Sunday, April 12, 2009

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"A crowd of 400 people responded to our appeal to save the church and has collected in the pitch to celebrate Palm Sunday. "
With these words Don Andrea Avanzini, and Bannone Mamiano parish administrator, said the enthusiastic turnout of the faithful at Sunday Mass last celebrated in the pitch behind the parish church, still unusable. The ceremony began at the rectory, where this winter by Don Andrea celebrates the Sunday Masses. Then the rectory, waving olive branches, the faithful have moved into playing round with Victor where Don Avanzini Woods, contact the parish, had prepared a veritable open-air church, with altar, pulpit, the choir area and with the seats, but they are not enough given the unexpected turnout. Many are still standing or have followed the function sitting on the ground or on stone walls surrounding the church.
The Mass was also attended by the authorities, including the mayor Alberto Pazzon, the assessor Public Works Ghiretti Roberto, the leader of the minority and members of Clement Pedrona "Mamiano Together", chaired by Pietro Pasini. And then the animators and catechists with the children the catechism and a large group of scouts along with representatives from the nursery. . Bianca Maria Sarti.
(article published in the Gazzetta di Parma ")

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Friday, April 3, 2009

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Schedule for Holy Week and the forthcoming celebrations

• 5 April - Sunday Palm
Mass 11:30 in parish Mamiano

· Easter Triduum Bannone from 9 to 11 April: Holy Thursday
21.00: Mass Lord's Supper, Good Friday 15.00
: Passion and Worship Cross, Holy Saturday at 21.00
: Easter Vigil.

• 12 April: - S.
Easter Mass 11:30 am in the parish Mariano

§ From April 13 to 15: Forty:
Bannone made at 8.00 and 22.00

first Sunday April 26 - First Communion Mass
Mass 11:30 am at Bannone

st Friday May 1st - Blessing Automotive
Mass at 10.15 Bannone

° Sunday 10 May - 11.30 Confirmation Mass at

first Saturday 16th May - Feast of the end catechism
From 17.00 to 22.30 in Traversatolo

first Saturday June 27 - 50th anniversary of the nursery school "Our Lady of Fatima"
19.00 Mass at the nursery
20,30 charity dinner at the facilities of the "Mamiano Together" on the side Church of the meeting with former students and teachers, the founders are still alive, partners, authorities. It will also set up a photographic exhibition and video projection.

Saturday, August 15 - Feast of the Assumption
18:00 Mass at the Oratory of the Fondazione Magnani Rocca

Other initiatives summer

· June 19-20-21 parish trip to Nice and Monte Carlo;
· trip to the altar date to be agreed
§ From September 3 to 6 tour around the three Peaks for young people from 15 to 19 years.

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Mamianesi They want their church catechesis

< I want our church >.

This is the unanimous chorus of citizens Mamiano that the earthquake of 23 December are deprived of their church, unusable the collapse of the south aisle and the extensive damage to the rest of the internal structure, particularly the arches and sometimes lateral.
to draw attention to the problem is Don Andrea Avanzini, parish administrator, who laments the one hand the delay of economic aid promised by the authorities, on the other hand the gradual disintegration of the parish community deprived of a point of reference.

The fear, in fact, not only about the arrival of the funds that you expect, but also their distribution among the various emergency situations in the area. Victor Woods, contact the parish, warns .
The dispersion of the faithful is felt by all citizens. Paul manages a farm in Ronchini Mamiano, not far from the church: . Even
Massimo Mori, who runs the market in the center reaffirms . Many move to other churches: Massimo's sister, Dina, goes to every Sunday Torrechiara: . But for those who can not move, the elderly, the disease is very strong: . Even Maria Emiliani who has always lived to regret his church Mamiano: . Tiziana Cavalli, 32 years Mamiano is worried .

Bianca Maria Sarti.

"Palm" outdoor-L 'altar is on the lawn

Sunday at 11.30 in the sports field will be celebrated Palms. In the meadow behind the church tower was set up a "church outside" with altar, pulpit and wooden crucifix. The other Easter celebrations will be Bannone (Thursday, 9 am to 21 pm, Friday and Saturday at 15 to 21). Via Crucis Traversetolo Friday at 20.30; Easter Mass in the field of Mamiano to 11.30.

visiting Bishop - Pastoral Letter

The bishop of Parma, Bishop Henry has returned to Solmi Traversetolo in recent days to meet the pastoral council zonal to collect ideas and suggestions in drawing up the pastoral letter. The meeting, which was held at the rectory to Traversetolo, attended by representatives elected from all the parishes.

Mayor: "The more time passes the more at risk priorities," Mayor Alberto

Pazzon recalled that the City has already activated on December 23, the day of the earthquake. "The next few weeks - he says - have been held all meetings of the case: with the Civil Defence, fire brigades, the Province, the Prefecture and the Bishop's Curia. From the start it was clear that Bannon and Mamiano were the most penalized. Among the first tasks completed by the technical department of the municipality is drawing up two lists: "give yourself one of the total suffered by public buildings and worship (which is around € 8 million) and the priorities to be allocated the first funds. Among these are the churches and Mamiano Bannone, the former Bannon's School (Home of the fountain and clubs puerto libre) Castione cemetery and City Hall. For these buildings have applied for 2 million. Recently, after the demands of Modena and Reggio, Civil Protection chief Guido Bertolaso, has proposed to earmark 33 million (instead of 15) common to all earthquake victims. It seems, however, evident that their damage is not comparable to ours. "
Pazzon makes no secret of its concern: I have great confidence in the province, particularly in Vincenzo Bernazzoli Grabriele and Ferrari, but the more time passes I fear that more delays call into question the priorities that we reported. "

Sunday, March 22, 2009

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Saturday, March 14, 2009 Don Andrea Avanzini has met the catechists and their families in the splendid setting of Villa Paganini you for a day of prayer and reflection. E 'was also a time to take stock of the situation on the catechesis of children and coordinate the objectives for the coming months.

At the end of the day, after its involvement in S. Mass celebrated in the chapel inside the structure, all participants met for dinner prepared by the nuns.

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Day Festival Carnival Day

22febbario Sunday catechism of 2009 children were able to celebrate the carnival together with the participation and supervision of catechists.

Older children enlivened the afternoon helping the children in games and disguises: a moment of play that has reinforced the sense "to the community" for the children.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

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This year, for the traditional feast of Resdor, young people wanted to give their head of household with a small object, but a profound one meaning for all mamianesi. The choice fell on the picture that reproduces the painting on the wall located in the Primary School "Our Lady of Fatima" which portrays the Virgin surrounded by shepherds since July 5 will mark the 50th anniversary of the nursery.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

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of 2009 From January 18 Mass at the rectory

Sunday, January 18, 2009, at the end of the Catechism of the children of the country and resumed the celebration of Holy Mass officiated by Father Andrea Avanzini.I many those present, including several children, who followed the ceremony distributed in some rooms of the rectory, set up on purpose for the event. At the end of the Mass, was taken a photo that has taken over some of the faithful present at the function arranged on the stairs and the porch of the rectory.

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December 23, 2008

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the magazine I remember Christmas

JESUS \u200b\u200b'KID

Umberto Saba

fell and the comet shines
that has marked the path.
are before you, Holy Child!
You, King of the universe

have taught us that all creatures are equal, which distinguishes only
immense treasure,
given to the poor and the rich.
Jesus, 'ch' I'm good,
in which the heart does not have that sweetness.
Fa '
that your gift will continue to grow in me every day and around the
in Your name.

Giotto - Nativity
in place - the city of Padua - where the concept of Giotto space reaches full maturity, Scrovegni Chapel gives us a series of wonderful performances of Christ's life, arranged along two parallel registries in order to create effective rispondenze.Ispirate the Gospels, even supplemented by insights drawn from the "Proto" James and the "Golden Legend" Jacopo da Varazze, they reveal a very prudent use of perspective as to provide definitive refutation of the successful argument that attaches to the Middle Ages use only empirical and approximate medesima.L 'episode of "The Nativity" (represented on the cover) recalls the famous story of the birth of Jesus ("Mary put the child in the manger and the ox and the ass adored him," Pseudo-Matthew, 13-14), focusing attention on the scene in the foreground, just lay in the act of the Madonna and Child in a manger, inside a hut placed into space. Unusually, the donkey is also popping up alongside the ox from the left and Joseph was squatting. Beside him, in the same position, the sheep, the shepherds and the angel and establish a dialogue with an image of intense spirituality, for a long luck with the adherents of Gesù.Si is a work of true poetry , who plays with great sensitivity and humanity to the sacred story. Moving the dreamy expression of Joseph, which is unusual to "counterbalance" the lively dynamism of the angels circling in the sky.

Poinsettia almond


For the dough:

4 egg yolks 4 tablespoons of warm water 100 g sugar

a phial of aromatic almond
30 grams icing sugar 4 egg whites vanilla

50 g sugar 70 g margarine 70 g cream

white flour 70 g wheat starch
1 teaspoon of vanilla extract 1 tablespoon powdered
For the vanilla baking

cream filling:
100 grams of fine ground almonds
200 gr icing sugar
200 ml of whipping cream plant already
sugar 4 egg whites 200 grams of mascarpone

200 ml of ready-made custard (or homemade)

For the topping: 10 g
almond leaf
200 g apricot jam


Whisk the egg whites with 50g sugar and add vanilla. Whisk the egg yolks foam with hot water and gradually add the flavor of almonds, granulated sugar, vanilla sugar icing. Mix together the flour, wheat starch, and also add the baking powder.
Sift the mixture of powder on the cream egg yolks and mix well without any lumps. Combine the egg yolks for the last whites and pour the mixture into a mold in a star previously buttered and floured and bake at 175 degrees for 30 minutes.
When the cake is ready remove from the oven and cool.
Meanwhile prepare the stuffing. Fit the clear and slightly add the sugar icing and almonds, previously mixed together, mix well, then add the cream and custard sifted. Sift also crema.Tagliare mascarpone and add it to the cake into three layers, fill the first layer with half the cream and cover with another layer, then also fill the other half of the cream and cover with the last layer cake. Reassemble the cake and cover it completely with the warmed jam and sifted. To adhere to the surface along the edges and all flaked almonds

The feast of the Nativity of Jesus has become the largest official party of Christianity only in the relatively recently.

Christmas is the Christian holiday celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ, Son of the Virgin Mary. It falls on December 25 (January 7 in the Eastern Churches, to the change of the Julian calendar).

The Italian word Christmas comes from the Latin Natalis that means "Christmas on the birth."

According to the Gospel of Luke, Jesus was born of Mary in Bethlehem, where she and her husband Joseph went to attend to the population census organized by the Romans.

his first tracks as a Christian holiday met only around the third century after Christ and his final emergence until mid-fourth century.

The observance of Christmas Day was introduced in Antioch until about 375 AD in Alexandria and just after 430.

According to the Christian liturgical calendar is a level of solemnity of the Epiphany, Ascension and Pentecost and inferior to the Passover (the holiday more important acquitted) and certainly the most popularly felt, especially since the last two centuries, ever since it became the party where we exchanged gifts and more is in the family.

On Christmas as a Christian feast were written dozens of poems, short stories, folk songs, nursery rhymes, lullabies and more.

For his disciples the birth or Nativity of Christ was preceded by several prophecies that the Messiah would be born from the house of David to redeem the world dl sin.

This is the story of Christmas is beautiful, poetic, created by men to make room for a little hope and joy even in the dead of winter more hard when it seems that everyone knows dead and sterile, but the seed begins to germinate in the ground and began the revolution of the seasons and the fast, happy racing days to the flowering of spring.

(article by Cecilia Costa)

David, the chosen of God

David in Hebrew means "delight", the "beloved", and he was, in fact, the object of divine favor: "He shall build a house for my name and I always will establish the throne of his kingdom. I will be his father and he shall be my son. If he commits iniquity, I will chasten him with the rod of men ... But he will not withdraw my favor. " (2 Samuel 7, 13-15)
The first book of Samuel tells the story of David's youth and his ascension to the throne of Israel.
Last of the sons of Jesse, a shepherd of Bethlehem, the most frail and, even more seriously in the Jewish world, red hair, was chosen by Samuel, sent by the Lord to anoint a new king Saul because he was disgraced.
David went to the court of the king, who became a musician and squire, and often calm the anger by playing the harp.
still young, armed with a sling, confronted and killed the giant Philistine Goliath in battle, so deciding the fate of the war. This and other
successes, however, aroused the jealousy of Saul, so he was forced to leave the court.
David wandered for several years in the Judean desert with a few brave and faithful companions, and stood at the service of the Philistines, but never fight against his people.
the death of Saul, the tribe of Judah elected him king in the city of Hebron, and a few years later, he was elected king of Judah and Israel.
conquered Jerusalem and made it the capital of his kingdom, recandole prestige, carrying the Ark of the Covenant.
David showed a weak character, however: he was overwhelmed by the desire of absolute power, and could not establish itself in the intrigues of his many women and their children. During
the war against the Ammonites, the king wove an adulterous relationship with Bathsheba, the wife of Uriah general. When he saw Bathsheba pregnant, David tried hard and succeeded in killing her husband.
"And the mourning was past, David sent to pick her up and held with him, but the action that had made very displeasing to the Lord. Then he sent the prophet Nathan to David ... ... The Lord on his part to put away your sin: thou shalt not die, but the son who was born, because you have offended the Lord with such guilt, he will die without doubt. "
(2 Samuel 11-12).
The child died shortly after birth, and David, now fully aware of his error, wrote one of the most beautiful psalms, great expression of faith and, together, great works of poetry, Psalm 50, also called the "Miserere" from the first verse in the Latin translation: "Miserere mei domine, secundum tuam Misericordiam.
Seventy years after forty years of reign, died, leaving David to Solomon, the realization of his greatest dream: the Temple of Jerusalem.
David was the author of a number of poems in the biblical Book of Psalms. The Psalms of David, taken as a whole, an exceptional piece of poetry to the depth of thought and faith that is expressed and the freshness of the images used. David is commonly believed, from both the Jewish world is Christianity, the foreshadowing of the Messiah, the Lord's anointed.

Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ

Saturday, June 28, 2008 Pope Benedict XVI with the participation of starodinaria Bartholomew I (Orthodox primate) , held a Holy Year dedicated to the memory of Paul, the apostle to the Gentiles. At that time many of the faithful of the parish of Mamiano were at the event held in Rome in the Basilica of Saint Paul Outside the Walls.

Paul was born in all probability between 5 and 10 of our era at Tarsus, on the coast of Asia Minor in the region of Cilicia, where many Jews lived scattered outside of Palestine in the territories of the Roman Empire. Jew and the son of Jews, Paul belongs to the tribe of Benjamin. His name is Saul, the "desired", is a Roman citizen born and raised in contact with Greek and Roman culture. He lives in a Jewish community that has the largest synagogue in the place of worship, is proud to be Jewish and to belong to the people of Israel.

still a teenager, Paul is sent by his parents in the holy city of Jerusalem. In the capital of Judaism is formed at the school of the famous Rabbi Gamaliel, where he learned to penetrate the meaning of Scripture and the Law. During this period he joined the group of Pharisees. The young, impetuous nature and the training they received Paul's an avid supporter of the Jewish religion and customs, as well as a bitter enemy of all that oppose it. To this hate for Christians is on the side of the executioners who were stoning Stephen, and later head of fanatics who go to Damascus to hunt down the Christians of that city. While he is walking to Damascus, Paul, wrapped in a light that comes from heaven, falls down and hears a voice telling him: "Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?" To the question Paul: "Who are you O Lord," the voice replied: "I am Jesus whom you are persecuting." The converse of Paul is a personal experience that we can know only through the explanations and descriptions that he gave us. Paul has been "conquered" by Jesus, the risen Christ. He understood that he had met with him

E 'an event so important that he also remembers the time when it happened: around noon.

The light of Christ risen wraps transforming the persecutor into an apostle. God creates a new creation in Paul. The enemy of the Church of God meets the Lord of the church, and the discovery of Christ coincides Paul with the discovery that persecution of the church is tantamount to persecute Jesus A great light flooded her heart. From that moment, two great loves of his life and inspired his work: Jesus Christ and the church. The same inner fire that had inspired the ancient prophets will push him to shout from the rooftops the great news of the resurrection of Jesus, working to give birth to the church around the world. This meant two decades of almost continuous travel in which Paul founded many churches maintaining special ties with the communities of Antioch, Philippi, Thessalonica, Corinth, Ephesus, and Rome. In these two decades he endured all sorts of hardships and suffering physical and spiritual. The guide who gives in 2 Corinthians 11, 24-28 says it all: "Five times I received thirty-nine lashes by the Jews, three times I was beaten by the Romans, once I was wounded stoned, three times I was shipwreck, and once at the mercy of the waves. Again, long journeys on foot in danger from rivers, dangers from robbers, danger from Jews and Gentiles, danger in the city, places deserts and the sea, dangers among false brethren. I stood for hard work and exempting labors, I have spent many nights without sleeping, I have suffered hunger and thirst, many times I was forced to fast. I was cold and had nothing to cover myself. And besides all this, every day I had the weight of concern to all communities ... "

Paul, a prisoner in Rome, writes to his friend Timothy:" I have fought the good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith. "

According to tradition, Paul died in Rome around 67 during the persecution of Emperor Nero and was buried along the Via Ostiense.

(article Lanzi Riccardino)

The ViaFrancigena

See text already entered in "2008 events"

(article by Luca Amoretti)

W school Traversatolo

We Martina and Alexander and attended a class at the Technical Institute of Traversatolo.

We are happy and we want to tell those of our friends who have to choose the High School.

In this school we feel important, we have the opportunity to talk with adults and we make many friends, the lessons are very interesting, the teachers explain well and if we do not understand us help.

Our largest companies tell us they are well prepared, even to go to university if they want to work and know they will find employment soon.

A beautiful thing and that our teachers are also concerned to help us design, our life in order to pull out all the beautiful things that we have within us.

Furthermore, there have to hide a school closer to home is lucky because we use the free time in other interesting activities and do not ... up early.

Martina Mazza and Alessandro Schianchi


Don Andrea Avanzini
Parish Administrator E-mail: donbaloo @

For more information contact Victor Woods Road Embankments
27 - Mamiano

Upcoming events:

- Tuesday, January 20 - Feast of rezdor
put 11.00 and 19.00

- Tuesday, 3 febbario - Feast of San Biagio our patron
Mass at 11.00 and 19.00

- Sunday, April 12 - Holy Easter Mass

- Sunday, April 26 - 11:30 am First Communion Mass

- Sunday, May 10 - Confirmation Mass

- Saturday 27 June (26 or Friday) and 19.00
Mass celebrations for the fiftieth anniversary of the founding of the Kindergarten "Our Lady of Fatima"


This year we want to thank you wholeheartedly all those who in various ways, work together for the success of the activities of the parish.

Thanks in advance to those who, with the offers, allows us to pursue projects aimed at young people as the purchase of uniforms of the team sports of football and the parish that is delivered to the "rezdor" on the occasion of their feast .

Merry Christmas and such serenity.

Your young