Sunday, April 12, 2009

Tech Deck Dudes Online


"A crowd of 400 people responded to our appeal to save the church and has collected in the pitch to celebrate Palm Sunday. "
With these words Don Andrea Avanzini, and Bannone Mamiano parish administrator, said the enthusiastic turnout of the faithful at Sunday Mass last celebrated in the pitch behind the parish church, still unusable. The ceremony began at the rectory, where this winter by Don Andrea celebrates the Sunday Masses. Then the rectory, waving olive branches, the faithful have moved into playing round with Victor where Don Avanzini Woods, contact the parish, had prepared a veritable open-air church, with altar, pulpit, the choir area and with the seats, but they are not enough given the unexpected turnout. Many are still standing or have followed the function sitting on the ground or on stone walls surrounding the church.
The Mass was also attended by the authorities, including the mayor Alberto Pazzon, the assessor Public Works Ghiretti Roberto, the leader of the minority and members of Clement Pedrona "Mamiano Together", chaired by Pietro Pasini. And then the animators and catechists with the children the catechism and a large group of scouts along with representatives from the nursery. . Bianca Maria Sarti.
(article published in the Gazzetta di Parma ")

photo appeared on the 08/04/2009 - Sara service Give us


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