Sunday, April 19, 2009

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"Mamiano: Aid arrives by Pope Benedict "

From the Journal of April 19, 2009 Pope Benedict XXVI

answered the call Mamiano of the faithful, and from the day of the earthquake that struck the Parmense, 23 December, can not go to their church. The church of the village is in fact unusable due to the collapse of a nave and some structural failure of the roof. Don Andrea Avanzini
in recent months had brought to the attention of the City of Traversetolo and the Curia, including through some articles published on the Gazzetta di Parma, the plight of the community Mamiano that, without the church, threatened to disintegrate,
Tuesday The Pope has sent words of encouragement to the faithful, who complain about the inconvenience of having to celebrate Mass in the rectory or close to having to move in the neighboring churches. Together with
letter, in addition to the apostolic blessing, the Pope sent the church a check for € 1500, as "a sign of encouragement and kindness", as stated in the letter of the Vatican.
A contribution to cover the huge costs that the community will face in order to restructure the church (about 500,000 euro).
"It 'a symbolic gesture of solidarity - Don Andrea says - but significant if added to the figures offered by the faithful at the recent Easter blessings. These figures, combined with state funds to be allocated to short bode well for the recovery of the church. "

Bianca Maria Sarti


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