Sunday, March 1, 2009

Train In Japan Molested

the magazine I remember Christmas

JESUS \u200b\u200b'KID

Umberto Saba

fell and the comet shines
that has marked the path.
are before you, Holy Child!
You, King of the universe

have taught us that all creatures are equal, which distinguishes only
immense treasure,
given to the poor and the rich.
Jesus, 'ch' I'm good,
in which the heart does not have that sweetness.
Fa '
that your gift will continue to grow in me every day and around the
in Your name.

Giotto - Nativity
in place - the city of Padua - where the concept of Giotto space reaches full maturity, Scrovegni Chapel gives us a series of wonderful performances of Christ's life, arranged along two parallel registries in order to create effective rispondenze.Ispirate the Gospels, even supplemented by insights drawn from the "Proto" James and the "Golden Legend" Jacopo da Varazze, they reveal a very prudent use of perspective as to provide definitive refutation of the successful argument that attaches to the Middle Ages use only empirical and approximate medesima.L 'episode of "The Nativity" (represented on the cover) recalls the famous story of the birth of Jesus ("Mary put the child in the manger and the ox and the ass adored him," Pseudo-Matthew, 13-14), focusing attention on the scene in the foreground, just lay in the act of the Madonna and Child in a manger, inside a hut placed into space. Unusually, the donkey is also popping up alongside the ox from the left and Joseph was squatting. Beside him, in the same position, the sheep, the shepherds and the angel and establish a dialogue with an image of intense spirituality, for a long luck with the adherents of Gesù.Si is a work of true poetry , who plays with great sensitivity and humanity to the sacred story. Moving the dreamy expression of Joseph, which is unusual to "counterbalance" the lively dynamism of the angels circling in the sky.

Poinsettia almond


For the dough:

4 egg yolks 4 tablespoons of warm water 100 g sugar

a phial of aromatic almond
30 grams icing sugar 4 egg whites vanilla

50 g sugar 70 g margarine 70 g cream

white flour 70 g wheat starch
1 teaspoon of vanilla extract 1 tablespoon powdered
For the vanilla baking

cream filling:
100 grams of fine ground almonds
200 gr icing sugar
200 ml of whipping cream plant already
sugar 4 egg whites 200 grams of mascarpone

200 ml of ready-made custard (or homemade)

For the topping: 10 g
almond leaf
200 g apricot jam


Whisk the egg whites with 50g sugar and add vanilla. Whisk the egg yolks foam with hot water and gradually add the flavor of almonds, granulated sugar, vanilla sugar icing. Mix together the flour, wheat starch, and also add the baking powder.
Sift the mixture of powder on the cream egg yolks and mix well without any lumps. Combine the egg yolks for the last whites and pour the mixture into a mold in a star previously buttered and floured and bake at 175 degrees for 30 minutes.
When the cake is ready remove from the oven and cool.
Meanwhile prepare the stuffing. Fit the clear and slightly add the sugar icing and almonds, previously mixed together, mix well, then add the cream and custard sifted. Sift also crema.Tagliare mascarpone and add it to the cake into three layers, fill the first layer with half the cream and cover with another layer, then also fill the other half of the cream and cover with the last layer cake. Reassemble the cake and cover it completely with the warmed jam and sifted. To adhere to the surface along the edges and all flaked almonds

The feast of the Nativity of Jesus has become the largest official party of Christianity only in the relatively recently.

Christmas is the Christian holiday celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ, Son of the Virgin Mary. It falls on December 25 (January 7 in the Eastern Churches, to the change of the Julian calendar).

The Italian word Christmas comes from the Latin Natalis that means "Christmas on the birth."

According to the Gospel of Luke, Jesus was born of Mary in Bethlehem, where she and her husband Joseph went to attend to the population census organized by the Romans.

his first tracks as a Christian holiday met only around the third century after Christ and his final emergence until mid-fourth century.

The observance of Christmas Day was introduced in Antioch until about 375 AD in Alexandria and just after 430.

According to the Christian liturgical calendar is a level of solemnity of the Epiphany, Ascension and Pentecost and inferior to the Passover (the holiday more important acquitted) and certainly the most popularly felt, especially since the last two centuries, ever since it became the party where we exchanged gifts and more is in the family.

On Christmas as a Christian feast were written dozens of poems, short stories, folk songs, nursery rhymes, lullabies and more.

For his disciples the birth or Nativity of Christ was preceded by several prophecies that the Messiah would be born from the house of David to redeem the world dl sin.

This is the story of Christmas is beautiful, poetic, created by men to make room for a little hope and joy even in the dead of winter more hard when it seems that everyone knows dead and sterile, but the seed begins to germinate in the ground and began the revolution of the seasons and the fast, happy racing days to the flowering of spring.

(article by Cecilia Costa)

David, the chosen of God

David in Hebrew means "delight", the "beloved", and he was, in fact, the object of divine favor: "He shall build a house for my name and I always will establish the throne of his kingdom. I will be his father and he shall be my son. If he commits iniquity, I will chasten him with the rod of men ... But he will not withdraw my favor. " (2 Samuel 7, 13-15)
The first book of Samuel tells the story of David's youth and his ascension to the throne of Israel.
Last of the sons of Jesse, a shepherd of Bethlehem, the most frail and, even more seriously in the Jewish world, red hair, was chosen by Samuel, sent by the Lord to anoint a new king Saul because he was disgraced.
David went to the court of the king, who became a musician and squire, and often calm the anger by playing the harp.
still young, armed with a sling, confronted and killed the giant Philistine Goliath in battle, so deciding the fate of the war. This and other
successes, however, aroused the jealousy of Saul, so he was forced to leave the court.
David wandered for several years in the Judean desert with a few brave and faithful companions, and stood at the service of the Philistines, but never fight against his people.
the death of Saul, the tribe of Judah elected him king in the city of Hebron, and a few years later, he was elected king of Judah and Israel.
conquered Jerusalem and made it the capital of his kingdom, recandole prestige, carrying the Ark of the Covenant.
David showed a weak character, however: he was overwhelmed by the desire of absolute power, and could not establish itself in the intrigues of his many women and their children. During
the war against the Ammonites, the king wove an adulterous relationship with Bathsheba, the wife of Uriah general. When he saw Bathsheba pregnant, David tried hard and succeeded in killing her husband.
"And the mourning was past, David sent to pick her up and held with him, but the action that had made very displeasing to the Lord. Then he sent the prophet Nathan to David ... ... The Lord on his part to put away your sin: thou shalt not die, but the son who was born, because you have offended the Lord with such guilt, he will die without doubt. "
(2 Samuel 11-12).
The child died shortly after birth, and David, now fully aware of his error, wrote one of the most beautiful psalms, great expression of faith and, together, great works of poetry, Psalm 50, also called the "Miserere" from the first verse in the Latin translation: "Miserere mei domine, secundum tuam Misericordiam.
Seventy years after forty years of reign, died, leaving David to Solomon, the realization of his greatest dream: the Temple of Jerusalem.
David was the author of a number of poems in the biblical Book of Psalms. The Psalms of David, taken as a whole, an exceptional piece of poetry to the depth of thought and faith that is expressed and the freshness of the images used. David is commonly believed, from both the Jewish world is Christianity, the foreshadowing of the Messiah, the Lord's anointed.

Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ

Saturday, June 28, 2008 Pope Benedict XVI with the participation of starodinaria Bartholomew I (Orthodox primate) , held a Holy Year dedicated to the memory of Paul, the apostle to the Gentiles. At that time many of the faithful of the parish of Mamiano were at the event held in Rome in the Basilica of Saint Paul Outside the Walls.

Paul was born in all probability between 5 and 10 of our era at Tarsus, on the coast of Asia Minor in the region of Cilicia, where many Jews lived scattered outside of Palestine in the territories of the Roman Empire. Jew and the son of Jews, Paul belongs to the tribe of Benjamin. His name is Saul, the "desired", is a Roman citizen born and raised in contact with Greek and Roman culture. He lives in a Jewish community that has the largest synagogue in the place of worship, is proud to be Jewish and to belong to the people of Israel.

still a teenager, Paul is sent by his parents in the holy city of Jerusalem. In the capital of Judaism is formed at the school of the famous Rabbi Gamaliel, where he learned to penetrate the meaning of Scripture and the Law. During this period he joined the group of Pharisees. The young, impetuous nature and the training they received Paul's an avid supporter of the Jewish religion and customs, as well as a bitter enemy of all that oppose it. To this hate for Christians is on the side of the executioners who were stoning Stephen, and later head of fanatics who go to Damascus to hunt down the Christians of that city. While he is walking to Damascus, Paul, wrapped in a light that comes from heaven, falls down and hears a voice telling him: "Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?" To the question Paul: "Who are you O Lord," the voice replied: "I am Jesus whom you are persecuting." The converse of Paul is a personal experience that we can know only through the explanations and descriptions that he gave us. Paul has been "conquered" by Jesus, the risen Christ. He understood that he had met with him

E 'an event so important that he also remembers the time when it happened: around noon.

The light of Christ risen wraps transforming the persecutor into an apostle. God creates a new creation in Paul. The enemy of the Church of God meets the Lord of the church, and the discovery of Christ coincides Paul with the discovery that persecution of the church is tantamount to persecute Jesus A great light flooded her heart. From that moment, two great loves of his life and inspired his work: Jesus Christ and the church. The same inner fire that had inspired the ancient prophets will push him to shout from the rooftops the great news of the resurrection of Jesus, working to give birth to the church around the world. This meant two decades of almost continuous travel in which Paul founded many churches maintaining special ties with the communities of Antioch, Philippi, Thessalonica, Corinth, Ephesus, and Rome. In these two decades he endured all sorts of hardships and suffering physical and spiritual. The guide who gives in 2 Corinthians 11, 24-28 says it all: "Five times I received thirty-nine lashes by the Jews, three times I was beaten by the Romans, once I was wounded stoned, three times I was shipwreck, and once at the mercy of the waves. Again, long journeys on foot in danger from rivers, dangers from robbers, danger from Jews and Gentiles, danger in the city, places deserts and the sea, dangers among false brethren. I stood for hard work and exempting labors, I have spent many nights without sleeping, I have suffered hunger and thirst, many times I was forced to fast. I was cold and had nothing to cover myself. And besides all this, every day I had the weight of concern to all communities ... "

Paul, a prisoner in Rome, writes to his friend Timothy:" I have fought the good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith. "

According to tradition, Paul died in Rome around 67 during the persecution of Emperor Nero and was buried along the Via Ostiense.

(article Lanzi Riccardino)

The ViaFrancigena

See text already entered in "2008 events"

(article by Luca Amoretti)

W school Traversatolo

We Martina and Alexander and attended a class at the Technical Institute of Traversatolo.

We are happy and we want to tell those of our friends who have to choose the High School.

In this school we feel important, we have the opportunity to talk with adults and we make many friends, the lessons are very interesting, the teachers explain well and if we do not understand us help.

Our largest companies tell us they are well prepared, even to go to university if they want to work and know they will find employment soon.

A beautiful thing and that our teachers are also concerned to help us design, our life in order to pull out all the beautiful things that we have within us.

Furthermore, there have to hide a school closer to home is lucky because we use the free time in other interesting activities and do not ... up early.

Martina Mazza and Alessandro Schianchi


Don Andrea Avanzini
Parish Administrator E-mail: donbaloo @

For more information contact Victor Woods Road Embankments
27 - Mamiano

Upcoming events:

- Tuesday, January 20 - Feast of rezdor
put 11.00 and 19.00

- Tuesday, 3 febbario - Feast of San Biagio our patron
Mass at 11.00 and 19.00

- Sunday, April 12 - Holy Easter Mass

- Sunday, April 26 - 11:30 am First Communion Mass

- Sunday, May 10 - Confirmation Mass

- Saturday 27 June (26 or Friday) and 19.00
Mass celebrations for the fiftieth anniversary of the founding of the Kindergarten "Our Lady of Fatima"


This year we want to thank you wholeheartedly all those who in various ways, work together for the success of the activities of the parish.

Thanks in advance to those who, with the offers, allows us to pursue projects aimed at young people as the purchase of uniforms of the team sports of football and the parish that is delivered to the "rezdor" on the occasion of their feast .

Merry Christmas and such serenity.

Your young


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