Saturday, January 30, 2010

How To Make China Bangs

But I and the lottery that de Week End?

Why Good Weekend? So 'I American? Can not you just tell me in Italian? No, because you know, we're in Italy! Although sometimes it does not seem, as we have "everything to 99 cents," as the Americans. We have the MASTER, the Texas Hold 'em and a lot of other words. I am no longer a system, are a system administrator and I also do the hard work to say two words instead of one! We are carrying in america. Who have replaced our Halloween with them, mourn their tragedies and celebrate their festivals.
Some people, instead of sending me to hell, I say fuck! If you just can not help it, send me in Italian, at least some satisfaction from the well of me. If I may say in American, I do not try even taste. And above all, but I owe you that answer? "To you too? And if you want to say "thank you, maybe I go after" that I have to study vocabulary or just try it on google translate?
But I know 'I American? I do not think ..... When I was


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