Thursday, May 6, 2010

Not Brushing Teeth Sore Throat

Goofy: The hairy angel to save me from stress and hormonal cycles

I do the same work for at least fifteen years and I can say that I was sophisticated enough, or as they say in the working skills. I work in IT and have a coach who has always concentrated its time and its objectives to understand what he's doing. In short, I like to investigate!
Now, when they ask me to install a machine to make a configuration, to control "the same problem, I find myself doing the classic work MONKEY! Well, I know Scazzi lost !

But I, at this point, I gained the idea that a real monkey would improve my life a little. Indeed not any monkey: an orangutan!

I also chose the name for this beloved creature: FOO! I can already see when someone comes to ask me "I installed the machine," I I ride without scompormi and the sign language to communicate Pippo what to do and he gets to work happily. For him, that's a point of arrival, while I'm doing it literally every day mold.
I see myself as I browse for porn sites and Goofy that controls the nearby post office and turn all calls to someone else. Yeah, why so much the first thing I teach them is how you download the barrel! There is little you can do without the basics, the world of work will become worse than a jungle ......... better not tell him this, though!
When you enter someone wants to break up with discourses pleasant and unnecessary "Pippo, stall hear goes." Goofy gets there, pretending to listen while he takes the fleas from the hair, while I'm sleeping in my chair richly.
Pippo is the solution to all problems of my life. And with him, then, should I share the music, so double cap.

who contacts me on msn would always wonder if I have to respond, or is talking to the first! And you have always put the satisfaction of all spam emails already deleted? Taught him to saw all the mails that talk about Viagra, "I am a girl from Russia and wants to meet man marriage purpose," "I be your banga and you have to re-enter your codes so I cheat money", etc.. etc..
But the usefulness does not end here, because Goofy me take you home. And in my head is already the image of ' oranghetto leading the dog to do his business. That is pricey, in my head, the monkey holding the leash and meanwhile, walks like a subbuteo player (who has never played subbuteo this thing does not understand, but never mind).
Here's return home, and if my wife has something to break the boxes, I put in front of Goofy, while I sprawled on a chair, "so then he tells me everything."
And bills to pay? Nasty cow, "Foo is' a leap to the post, the truth I am pile of reports to be paid." And I at home, while the orangutan is the row.
would be a little slave, a Filipino 24h on 24 salaried bananas that do a lot of pampering. I see myself while I sleep embraced all cuddling with my dog \u200b\u200b.....

guys would be just a little orangutan the ideal (I gaze dreamily at the moment). I finished with the neuroses and problems with stress. And one day I do not want to go to work, I give the badge to Horace, who knows what he must do, not stupid, and meanwhile I'm off to the sea is so handsome!
So, I decided this: tomorrow I pretend to be really Pippo here with me. Whoever calls me on the phone, I say "look, is already doing Goofy." Or someone comes to ask me something and I said "As part of Pippo him I do." If my wife tells me something, I tell you now "is about co 'Goofy." Well, I pretend that there ...... Goofy here, tomorrow I will have an imaginary orangutan!!
Therefore, if you write me an email or send me a text message, know that to answer might be Goofy, because I might be too busy to do a shit!

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