Thursday, January 22, 2009

Tamil Marriage Wordings Invitation

  • I Resdor

January 20 2008

Today January 20, 2008, as every year and more than 300 years, are celebrated in the parish of Mamiano Saints Fabian and Sebastian in memory of their martyrdom.
is a special day for Mamiano: on this day is that in addition to celebrating the saints mentioned, is commemorated the Feast of Rezdor. Remember
that, during the plague in 1630 and subsequent years, the population was affected by this terrible epidemic. The heads of the family then did their best to visit you, treat and help in any way affected families. In this way, being more exposed to infection, were most affected and most of them unfortunately died.
The population was decimated and the survivors now invoked the two saints, promising them that if the plague had ceased, they would remember every January 20th with the celebration of holy mass. Thus the plague was over and every year since then we celebrate this anniversary and, although working day, the church is literally packed with faithful witness to the their gratitude to the intercessors.
It 's a feast that is the heart of every mamianese and, even if for reasons of work, has moved elsewhere, on this occasion there are many former residents who returned to celebrate with those who still resides in the village.
Our village is perhaps the only one in the province of Parma to celebrate this anniversary and to have headed the town's main square "to Rezdor.
Last but not least we must mention another important moment for over 20 years at the suggestion of the parish priest, Father Renato Doctors, young people offer to the householders of the parish, in a festive atmosphere of friendship, a simple but meaningful gift in recognition of the role that occupy Rezdor in family.
This year, in addition to traditional gifts, will be screened in the parish church, a movie that recreates, through images found in the parish, the building's history since 1900.

But who were actually Rezdor? The
Rezdor were those who daily took care of organizing and directing the daily work of family. Other than that, dealt with the economic management of the family and they were entitled to have the last word. Here's who were Rezdor: ordinary people who sacrificed themselves for the good of their communities.

  • Pilgrimage to Rome

    IN ROME FOR THE millennium of the birth of St. Paul, APOSTLE TO THE NATIONS
    Pilgrims Castione Baratti and Mamiano Vespers presided over by Pope Benedict XVI

    In response to the parish priest Don Andrea Avanzini, forty members of the community Parish Castione Mamiano Baratti and, together with some other friends, attended the June 28, at First Vespers of the Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul at the opening of the Pauline Year. The celebration, presided over by Pope Benedict XVI, with the participation of Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I and representatives of other Christian communities, was held in the Basilica of St. Paul Outside the Walls in Rome, crowded with pilgrims from all over the world.
    The strong sense of ecumenical event, sponsored by the presence of the personalities mentioned, it was stressed by the Pope in the "introductory admonition," in which, inter alia, welcomed the Brother Bartholomew I "that leads us to the presence of ancient Christian communities founded and evangelized by St. Paul "and recalled by the spread of the Gospel of Paul of Tarsus and the faith through his word and his letters" from the Holy City of Jerusalem to the ends of the Roman Empire. " Deep and intense
    the homily of Pope apostolate and touching Although brief, the speech of the Ecumenical Patriarch in perfect Italian.
    The performances of the choir, the psalmist and the participation of the faithful who have completed a celebration of the pilgrims and Castione Mamiano remember for a long time. The course also remember the many young altar servers (acolytes) and accompanied by their parents, were united with their parish priest in this event where they could see from very close to the Pope, particularly moved by the warm greeting of the faithful.
    Our pilgrims have been prepared for the occasion by Don Andrea in a meeting a week before departure, during the trip and the morning of June 28 Mass in the church's holiday home the "Divine Providence" where the group stayed.
    Since the trip lasted three days, and Castionese mamianesi did not lose the opportunity to visit the catacombs of San Sebastian, coprotettore Mamiano and the main monumental and artistic beauties of Rome, both day with a night tour by bus.
    E 'was an opportunity to experience an important event, to be together in prayer and in friendship and to review a part of our history as Christians and citizens with well-organized initiative, which return has seen all met and Although physically a bit 'tired, inwardly toned.

  • Mamiano mourning the death of Don Renato Doctors

On 11 July returned to the house of Father Don Renato Doctors, Mamiano priest since 1968, and since 1987, and also Bannone Castione Baratti.
The funeral ceremony, presided over by Bishop, was held in the Parish Church of Mamiano, filled with faithful, in the presence of about fifty priests, representatives of institutions, including the Mayor and Alberto Pazzon Carabinieri Lieutenant Angelo Bonser and representatives of local voluntary associations and the Alpine.
After the funeral, the vicar general Mons.Giulio Ranieri, who knew Don Renato since the days of the seminar, pointed out in words of esteem and affection the remarkable qualities of which he was with Don Renato, the commitment and generosity which he carried out his mission as priests.
Soul simple, kind and generous to Don Renato Medici.
austere, strong character and youthful, a strong and secure, supported by a great classical culture that is expressed in recurrent references in his speeches and the usual religious and love for the ancient texts who liked to collect along with coins.

was a great orator: his Sunday homilies were cut and soaked in inner passion that informed the faithful strongly gestural and just intonation of voice. Sermons were heard, and prepared with great care "labor Lima", as he confided.

He loved the company, staying with friends cheering with his jokes, even in dialect. In a pastoral

believed strongly in the commitment of the laity in the parish community, encouraging them and pushing them to become personally engaged in catechesis, liturgy and the religious right and the brethren.

's coffin emerged from the Church in a thunderous applause agitated crowd that wanted to ask him a final farewell and to express the gratitude for the dedication and love with which he carried out his ministry.
The body of Don Renato, after the blessing given by Father Andrea Avanzini, Prior and Chief of Bannone Parish Mamiano Castione and Baratti, was buried, according to his will, on the ground in the cemetery of Mamiano, not far dall'avello in which rests Don Pietro Download.

  • remember Don Pietro Sacrica 50 years after his death

The Parish of

    Mamiano commemorated the 50th anniversary of the death of Don Pietro Download.

    On August 5 marks the 50th anniversary of the death of Don Pietro Download, who was born in Collecchio in 1877, was pastor of Mamiano for 56 years, from 1902 to 1958.
    was a simple person, always friendly and helpful, humble and kind to everyone, loved and respected by both brothers, both by his parishioners, who have never forgotten. As
    to mark the 25th anniversary of his death, Mamianesi remember him taking part in the laying of a commemorative plaque in the church and all'intitolazione of a street in the country, so, again today, I wanted to remember, by participating many, the evening of Aug. 5, the commemoration was held in Mamiano the following program:
    · Visit the cemetery where the priest Don Andrea Avanzini, before the grave of Don Pietro, he said, with touching words, his exemplary figure.
    · stop in the street named Don Pietro Download, where Clement Pedrona, after having recalled with sympathy, read a beautiful poem choice among the many made by Don Pietro.
    · Santa suffrage Mass celebrated in the Parish Church by Fr John Bocchi, Mamiano born and baptized by Father Peter.
    · projection period images that evoked moments of his priestly mission, his passion for composing poems, historical facts about the country and the Parish, which he described with great sensitivity and simplicity.

  • The ViaFrancigena

During our weekly meetings has been taken into account the possibility of making a pilgrimage from Marina di Massa, Lucca , all in three days on foot.
The idea has enticed a lot, so many of us have joined the initiative. So
on August 24, 2008, our group of five youths and five adults has undertaken a long and very difficult march along the "Via Francigena.
It is an ancient route that started from Dover (England) and came to Rome and brought from north to south and from south to north, emperors and popes, nobles, merchants, pilgrims, warriors and simple.
The first day after church, we left Mamiano aboard cars to reach Marina di Massa. We walked (walked is not really the more appropriate term but we use this), along the seafront to enjoy this amazing sea.
Back on the march we reached the hostel, reserved for pilgrims like us. We have placed the backpacks and we relaxed with a walk in the center while they performed the most daring plunge into the pool with adjacent the hostel.
After the "tour" of the small tourist town, we enjoyed a wonderful dinner and indescribable, accompanied by the lapping of the waves.
Some of us have had a long restless night, while others have fallen into a deep sleep. The next morning, wake up at five o'clock, stop in a bar for a quick breakfast and again on the march, the trip was very tiring, because they all kept the same pace and not everyone was in shape after a restless night, in short the trip has been devastating. After seven hours of walking, which seemed to us no end, pass through the doors of Pietrasanta.
Once in a city park, we camped for a rest and while some of us visited the city quietly, others were resting. Resuming the march
Camaiore where we have come to the bed and breakfast waiting for us to spend the night.
Once in Camaiore, remained a little 'time to visit the town quietly. Then arrived at the bed and breakfast, we had dinner, tasting meat, chips, fruit and vegetables, cooked in a fantastic way.
At the first light of morning, we were again on their way to our destination (and save): Lucca.
With an energy unknown to us, we kilometer to kilometer ground and in less than no time we finally arrived (thank goodness). We
young brave after this long and exhausting march we rent a bike to enjoy the landscape that gave us the city.
The last day we got up with a strange tranquility within ourselves, eventually we would no longer have to march. After a visit to the city, about eleven o'clock, we gathered in the Duomo of Lucca to attend the Mass celebrated by Fr Andrew: in the left aisle of the Cathedral of San Martino is kept the Holy Face, our true goal. The temple, which features had been opened specially for us, even if it was not the exposure period. We appeared devoid of all the gold which is normally adorned when exposed, but we were equally happy. Tradition attributes this crucifix to Nicodemus, disciple of Jesus, which would ensure a faithful reproduction of the face of Jesus The Holy Face has been the subject of widespread veneration in Europe since the Middle Ages.

  • According football tournament
    Bannon - CASTIONE BARATTI - Mamiano
    Campo parish Traversetolo
    Wednesday, September 3, 2008 at 20:30.

    Since last winter 2007 started training youth teams of the three calcium fractions of the City of Traversetolo.
    The first tournament, held last September, saw the clear victory of the Castione Baratti.
    Quest 'year training will wear new uniforms and after the coffin will gather together for dinner together and to grow in friendship and share their membership of parish life and the joy of being Christian.
    Mamiano's team in the months of May and found especially every Friday night at 19:00 for the Mass in the Church of Mamiano one hour of training and to follow in the parish. Of note as well the coach Ferri, the input of managers and goalkeeping coach Giorgio and Riccardo Bertani Lanzi, catechists of the parish. Play a Uruguayan, who is preparing to receive the sacraments of Christian initiation for Easter 2009.
    Bannone the team he trains by December, the Sunday afternoon in the parish. This year's tour by coach Formaggioni training will be attended by players from India and North Africa, a team of bannonesi "multiethnic".
    Castione Baratti's team, coached by Delia, still looks very well-matched with the best odds, but if he wants to win again this year the tournament will be very tough. For their continuing training in tennis Via Quasimodo, with their family of two doors.
    thank Anspi Traversetolo, President and Don Caviola Aldino Arcari for their gracious hospitality and the organization of the tournament, families of young people followed the initiative with enthusiasm, all those parishes in order to keep the soccer fields and damage done to educate our young loved ones.

  • The living crib
Sunday, December 14, in the Parish Church of Mamiano was represented the Living Nativity, organized by the Kindergarten "Our Lady of Fatima" with the collaboration of "Mamiano together" and the parish.
The numerous figures, accurate in their costumes and good at representing each have their role, are slowly marched in front of the Grotto of the Nativity.

an important role, then, have served the children of nursery school in the country which formed the choir of angels, ably coordinated by their teachers.
The performance is over, after the thanks of the President of the Kindergarten Don Andrea Avanzini, between admiration and thunderous applause from the large audience, among which the Mayor of Traversetolo.


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